dc.creatorAnacleto T.P.
dc.creatorLopes L.R.
dc.creatorAndreollo N.A.
dc.creatorFilho W.O.B.
dc.creatorResck M.C.C.
dc.creatorMacedo A.
dc.identifierActa Cirurgica Brasileira. , v. 26, n. 2, p. 82 - 87, 2011.
dc.descriptionPurpose: To analyze the triple antimicrobial therapy in positive Helicobacter spp. dogs and to investigate recurrence. Methods: A total of 20 dogs underwent endoscopy followed by gastric biopsy using the rapid urease test and histopathology stained with Giemsa. Ten animals were treated with triple therapy recommended for humans and divided into control and experimental group. The control group was kept in isolation while the experimental group was placed in contact with positive animals during 60 days. Results: The prevalence of infection in animals in this experiment was 100%, and more frequent in the fundus and the gastric body. Therapy for 7 days using clarithromycin, amoxicillin and lansoprazole was effective in 100% of the animals. Recurrence of the infection in 80% of dogs in the experimental group, while the control group remained eradicated after 60 days. Conclusion: Crowded environments associated with close contact with dogs infected with helicobacter are a determinant for transmission of Helicobacter spp. between canines.
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dc.relationActa Cirurgica Brasileira
dc.titleStudies Of Distribution And Recurrence Of Helicobacter Spp. Gastric Mucosa Of Dogs After Triple Therapy [estudos Da Distribuição E Recorrência Do Helicobacter Spp. Na Mucosa Gástrica De Cães Após Terapia Tríplice]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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