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Is Size Structure A Good Measure Of Future Trends Of Plant Populations? An Empirical Approach Using Five Woody Species From The Cerrado (brazilian Savanna) [a Estrutura De Tamanho é Uma Boa Medida De Tendências Futuras Em Populacẽes De Plantas? Uma Abordagem Empírica Com Cinco Espécies Lenhosas De Cerrado]
Registration in:
Acta Botanica Brasilica. , v. 25, n. 3, p. 593 - 600, 2011.
Virillo C.B.
Martins F.R.
Tamashiro J.Y.
dos Santos F.A.M.
Size distributions in woody plant populations have been used to assess their regeneration status, assuming that size structures with "reverse-J" shapes represent stable populations. We present an empirical approach of this issue using five woody species from the Cerrado. Considering count data for all plants of these five species over a 12-year period, we analyzed size distribution by: a) plotting frequency distributions and their adjustment to the negative exponential curve and b) calculating the Gini coefficient. To look for a relationship between size structure and future trends, we considered the size structures from the first census year. We analyzed changes in number over time and performed a simple population viability analysis, which gives the mean population growth rate, its variance and the probability of extinction in a given time period. Frequency distributions and the Gini coefficient were not able to predict future trends in population numbers. 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