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Multifunctional Role Of Steroidogenic Factor 1 And Disorders Of Sex Development [papel Multifuncional Do Fator Esteroidogênico 1 E As Doenças Do Desenvolvimento Sexual]
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Arquivos Brasileiros De Endocrinologia E Metabologia. , v. 55, n. 8, p. 607 - 612, 2011.
de Mello M.P.
de Souza Franca E.S.
Fabbri H.C.
Maciel-Guerra A.T.
Guerra-Junior G.
Disorders of sex development (DSD) involve several conditions that result from abnormalities during gonadal determination and differentiation. Some of these disorders may manifest at birth by ambiguous genitalia; others are diagnosed only at puberty, by the delayed onset of secondary sexual characteristics. Sex determination and differentiation in humans are processes that involve the interaction of several genes such as WT1, NR5A1, NR0B1, SOX9, among others, in the testicular pathway, and WNT4, DAX1, FOXL2 and RSPO1, in the ovarian pathway. One of the major proteins in mammalian gonadal differentiation is the steroidogenic nuclear receptor factor 1 (SF1). This review will cover some of the most recent data on SF1 functional roles and fndings related to mutations in its coding gene, NR5A1. 2011;55(8):607-12. © ABE&M todos os direitos reservados. 55 8 607 612 Swain, A., Sex determination and differentiation (2006) Knobil and Neill's Physiology of Reproduction, pp. 245-260. , Neill JD, editor, 3rd ed. New York: Elsevier Biason-Lauber, A., Control of sex development (2010) Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab, 24 (2), pp. 163-186 Goodfellow, P.N., Darling, S.M., Genetics of sex determination (1988) Development, 102 (2), pp. 251-258 De-Mello, M.P., Soardi, F.C., Genes envolvidos na determinação sexual (2010) Menino Ou Menina? Os Distúrbios Da Diferenciação Do Sexo, pp. 3-14. , Maciel-Guerra AT, Guerra-Ju ́nior G, editores, 2. ed. 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