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The Pain And Behavior Of Women During Labor And The Different Positions For Childbirth [dor E Comportamento De Mulheres Durante O Trabalho De Parto E Parto Em Diferentes Posições]
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Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem. , v. 45, n. 3, p. 557 - 565, 2011.
Nilsen E.
Sabatino H.
de MoraesLopes M.H.B.
This study evaluated the pain intensity and behavior during labor and delivery, among women who had natural childbirth, without analgesia, in one of the following positions: semi-sitting, lying on the left side, and lithotomy. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study. The instruments used were a validated questionnaire that evaluates pain and behavior during labor and childbirth, from the women's perspective, and two pain scales: one analog and one alphanumerical. It was observed that the pain among women who had childbirth in a lithotomy position was significantly smaller compared to those lying on the left side (p=0.003), though women chose the positions. There was an association between pain and behavior. Pain in labor and childbirth were associated among each other, as was the behavior in these two moments. The results point at an association between the position at childbirth and pain, but it was not possible to identify factors to explain this association; therefore, there is a need for longitudinal studies. 45 3 557 565 Lowe, N.K., The nature of labor pain (2002) Am J Obstet Ginecol, 186 (5), pp. 16-24 Niven, C.A., Murphy-Black RM. Memory for labor pain: a review of the literature (2000) Birth, 27 (4), pp. 244-253 Souza, F.A.E.F., Pereira, L.V., Giuntini, P.B., Mensuração da dor (2003) Dor: contexto interdisciplinar. Curitiba, pp. 179-186. , Teixeira MJ, editor.Ed. Maio Sakata, R.K., Hisatugo, M.K.I., Aoki, S.S., Vlainich, R., Issy, A.M., (2003) Avaliação da dor, pp. 85-93. , Cavalcanti IL, Maddalena ML. Dor. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade de Anestesiologia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Tornquist, C.S., Paradoxos da humanização em uma maternidade no Brasil (2003) Cad Saúde Pública, 19 (2), pp. 419-427 Teixeira, N.Z.F., Pereira, W.R., Parto hospitalar: experiências de mulheres da periferia de Cuiabá-MT (2006) Rev Bras Enferm, 59 (6), pp. 740-744 Edianez, G.M., Brüggemann, O.M., Puerperal women's perceptions on vertical and horizontal deliveries (2009) Rev Lat Am Enferm, 17 (2), pp. 153-159 Ragnar, I., Altman, D., Tydén, T., Olsson, S.E., Comparison of the maternal experience and duration of labour in two upright delivery positions: a randomized controlled trial (2006) BJOG, 113 (2), pp. 165-170 (2005) Riscos e benefícios maternos e neonatais das posições lateral-esquerda e vertical semi-sentada no parto [tese, doutorado], , Basile, ALO., São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo Pocock, S.J., (1987) Clinical trials: a pratical approach, , 5 th ed.Chichester: Wiley & Sons Sabatino, H., Vilarino, J.F., (2000) Avaliação obstétrica de partos em posição de cócoras, pp. 171-185. , Sabatino H. Parto humanizado Campinas: Ed. UNICAMP Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T., The content validity index: are you sure you know what's being reported? (2006) Critique and recommendations Res Nurs Health, 29 (5), pp. 489-497 Mamede, F.V., Almeida, A.M., Souza, L., Mamede, M.V., A dor durante o trabalho de parto: o efeito da deambulação (2007) Rev Lat Am Enferm, 15 (6), pp. 1157-1162 Hofmeyr, G.F., Gülmezoglu, A.M., Nikodem, V.C., Van, D.S., Hendricks, M.S., Labor experience and b-endorphin levels (1995) Int J Gynecol Obstetr, 50 (3), pp. 299-300 Florido, C., Oltras, C.M., Fajardo, M.C., González-Scañuela, E., Villaverde, C., González-Gómez, F., Plasma concentrations of bendorphin and adrenocorticotropic hormone in women with and without childbirth preparation (1997) Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 73 (2), pp. 121-125 Almeida, N.A.M., Silveira, N.A., Bachion, M.M., Sousa, J.T., Concentração plasmática do hormônio adrenocorticotrófico de parturientes submetidas a método não farmacológico de alívio da ansiedade e dor do parto (2005) Rev Lat Am Enferm, 13 (2), pp. 223-228 Davim, R.M.B., Torres, G.V., Dantas, J.C., Efetividade de estratégias não farmacológicas no alívio da dor de parturientes no trabalho de parto (2009) Rev Esc Enferm USP, 43 (2), pp. 438-445 Leventhal, E.A., Leventhal, H., Shacham, S., Easterling, D.V., Active coping reduces reports of pain from childbirth (1989) J Consult Clin Psychol, 57 (3), pp. 365-371 Perissinotti, D.M.N., Figueiró, J.A.B., (2005) Psicoterapias: indicação, modalidade e tratamento para doentes com dor, pp. 93-104. , Figueiró JAB, Angelotti G, Pimenta CAM. Dor e saúde mental. São Paulo: Atheneu Saito, E., Gualda, D.M.R., Worrying about labor and delivery pain and its manifestation during childbearing process (2002) Proceedings of the 8° Brazilian Nursing Communication Symposium [Internet], ,;lng=en&;nrm=van, May 2-3 São Paulo, Brazil [cited 2009 May 15] Davim, R.M.B., Torres, G.V., Dantas, J.C., (2008) Representação de parturientes acerca da dor de parto. Rev Eletr Enferm [Internet], 10 (1). ,, [citado 2009 maio 15] Disponível em Pereira, L.V., Sousa, F.A.E.F., Mensuração e avaliação da dor pósoperatória: uma breve revisão (1998) Rev Lat Am Enferm, 6 (3), pp. 77-84