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Pilocarpine And Related Alkaloids In Pilocarpus Vahl (rutaceae)
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Alkaloids: Properties, Applications And Pharmacological Effects. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., v. , n. , p. 63 - 80, 2011.
Sawaya A.C.H.F.
Abreu I.N.
Andreazza N.L.
Eberlin M.N.
Mazzafera P.
Pilocarpine is mainly known as a drug for the treatment of glaucoma and it is also used as a stimulant of sweat and lachrymal glands. Species of the genus Pilocarpus are collectively named jaborandi in Brazil and their leaves are the only known source of this imidazole alkaloid. Pilocarpine is mainly obtained from two species, Pilocarpus microphyllus and Pilocarpus jaborandi and, despite the economical and pharmacological importance of this alkaloid, very little is known about pilocarpine, from basic information on the contents in different jaborandi species and plant tissues to the biosynthetic route and the metabolic control. This review will focus briefly on the genus jaborandi, then on what is known about pilocarpine biosynthesis followed by possible biotechnological applications aiming to produce the alkaloid in vitro. Finally, the alkaloids found in this genus, their plant sources and pharmacological applications will be reviewed. © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
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