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Notes On The Acoustic Performance Of Floors In Residential Buildings In Brazil And Portugal
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18th International Congress On Sound And Vibration 2011, Icsv 2011. , v. 1, n. , p. 22 - 29, 2011.
De Neto M.F.F.
Bertoli S.R.
The impact noise caused by walking, falling objects or striking port is a type of noise that causes discomfort to users of residential buildings. The complaints about this type of noise are recurrent in Brazil and Portugal. The Brazilian standard Residential buildings up to five storiedperformance, ABNT NBR 15575-3 (2008) presents the minimum values of acoustical performance, including the impact sound pressure level of floors. Although this standard could be an important resource to users of the residential buildings that they felt uncomfortable, given that the value established as minimum performance level for the weighted standardized impact sound pressure level, L'nT,w, of 80 dB, at most, is high. In Portugal, the criterion for impact sound pressure level of floor is indicated by Executive Decree no. 96/2008. This paper presents the results of evaluation of performances of floors in buildings in Brazil and Portugal. The measurements of the impact sound pressure level on buildings were performed in the city of São Paulo (Brazil) and in the region of Coimbra (Portugal) using the same proceedings and measurement system. The results were compared with the performance criteria of their country and other countries and showed the difference in criteria and acoustic performance of floors between the two countries. 1
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