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H∞ And H2 Nonquadratic Stabilisation Of Discrete-time Takagi-sugeno Systems Based On Multi-instant Fuzzy Lyapunov Functions
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International Journal Of Systems Science. Taylor And Francis Ltd., v. 46, n. 1, p. 76 - 87, 2015.
Tognetti E.S.
Oliveira R.C.L.F.
Peres P.L.D.
The problem of state feedback control design for discrete-time Takagi-Sugeno (TS) (T-S) fuzzy systems is investigated in this paper. A Lyapunov function, which is quadratic in the state and presents a multi-polynomial dependence on the fuzzy weighting functions at the current and past instants of time, is proposed.This function contains, as particular cases, other previous Lyapunov functions already used in the literature, being able to provide less conservative conditions of control design for TS fuzzy systems. The structure of the proposed Lyapunov function also motivates the design of a new stabilising compensator for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. The main novelty of the proposed state feedback control law is that the gain is composed of matrices with multi-polynomial dependence on the fuzzy weighting functions at a set of past instants of time, including the current one. The conditions for the existence of a stabilising state feedback control law that minimises an upper bound to the H∞ or H2 norms are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Numerical examples show that the approach can be less conservative and more efficient than other methods available in the literature. 46 1 76 87 Ariño, C., Sala, A., Design of multiple-parameterisation pdc controllers via relaxed conditions for multi-dimensional fuzzy summations (2007) Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1-6. , London, UK Ariño, C., Sala, A., Relaxed lmi conditions for closed-loop fuzzy systems with tensor-product structure (2007) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 20 (8), pp. 1036-1046 Barbosa, K.A., De Souza, C.E., Trofino, A., Robust Filtering for Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear Systems Using Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions (2002) Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference, pp. 3224-3229. , Anchorage, AK, USA Bernal, M., Guerra, T.M., Generalized nonquadratic stability of continuous-time takagi-sugeno models (2010) IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 18 (4), pp. 815-822 Bliman, P.-A., A convex 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