dc.creatorde Azevedo Barros M.B.
dc.creatorFrancisco P.M.S.B.
dc.creatorLima M.G.
dc.creatorCesar C.L.G.
dc.identifierCadernos De Saude Publica. , v. 27, n. SUPPL.2, p. 198 - 208, 2011.
dc.descriptionThe aim of the present study was to assess social inequalities in health status, health behavior and the use of health services based on education level. A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out involving 1,518 elderly residents of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. Significant demographic and social differences were found between schooling strata. Elderly individuals with a higher degree of schooling are in greater proportion alcohol drinkers, physically active, have healthier diets and a lower prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, dizziness, headaches, back pain, visual impairment and denture use, and better self-rated health. But, there were no differences in the use of health services in the previous two weeks, in hospitalizations or surgeries in the previous year, nor in medicine intake over the previous three days. Among elderly people with hypertension and diabetes, there were no differences in the regular use of health services and medication. The results demonstrate social inequalities in different health indicators, along with equity in access to some health service components.
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dc.relationCadernos de Saude Publica
dc.titleSocial Inequalities In Health Among The Elderly [desigualdades Sociais Em Saúde Entre Idosos]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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