dc.creatorFilho P.R.S.
dc.creatorFerreira L.A.
dc.creatorGouvea C.M.C.P.
dc.identifierBrazilian Journal Of Pharmacognosy. , v. 21, n. 6, p. 1000 - 1005, 2011.
dc.descriptionThe present study describes for the first time the antigenotoxic and antioxidant properties of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville, Fabaceae ("barbatimão") leaves. The aqueous (AEB), water fraction (WFB) and ethanolic (EEB) extracts of leaves were obtained and they presented high content of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins. WFB and EEB inhibited the genotoxicity induced by cyclophosphamide. WFB inhibited the DNA lesion formation and both WFB and EEB decreased significantly (p<0.05) micronucleus formation. All extracts also showed high DPPH radical scavenging activity and reducing power. In conclusion all extracts presented antioxidant activity and WFB and EEB protected cells from genotoxicity induced by cyclophosphamide in rat bone marrow cells. Thus, our results support the beneficial effects of the barbatimão extracts as an anticarcinogenic agent.
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dc.relationBrazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy
dc.titleProtective Action Against Chemical-induced Genotoxicity And Free Radical Scavenging Activities Of Stryphnodendron Adstringens ("barbatimão") Leaf Extracts
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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