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Emulsifying Properties Of Collagen Fibers: Effect Of Ph, Protein Concentration And Homogenization Pressure
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Food Hydrocolloids. , v. 25, n. 4, p. 604 - 612, 2011.
Santana R.C.
Perrechil F.A.
Sato A.C.K.
Cunha R.L.
The emulsifying properties of collagen fibers were evaluated in oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions produced under different conditions of pH, protein content and type of emulsification device (rotor-stator and high-pressure homogenizer). The stability, microstructure and rheology of the O/W emulsions were measured. The phase separation and droplet size of the emulsions prepared using the rotor-stator device (primary emulsion) decreased with protein concentration and reduction in pH, allowing the production of electrostatically stable emulsions at pH 3.5. In contrast, emulsions at higher pH values (4.5, 5.5 and 7.5) showed a microscopic three-dimensional network responsible for their stability at protein contents higher than 1.0% (w/w). The emulsions at pH 3.5 homogenized by high pressure (up to 100MPa) showed a decrease in surface mean diameter (d32) with increasing pressure and the number of passes through the homogenizer. These emulsions showed droplets with lower dispersion and d32 between 1.00 and 4.05μm, six times lower than values observed for primary emulsions. The emulsions presented shear-thinning behavior and lower consistency index and viscosity at higher homogenization pressures. In addition, the emulsions showed a less structured gel-like behavior with increase in homogenization pressure and number of passes, since the pressure disrupted the collagen fiber structure and the oil droplets. The results of this work showed that the collagen fiber has a good potential for use as an emulsifier in the food industry, mainly in acid products. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. 25 4 604 612 Ambrosone, A., Ceglie, A., A novel approach for determining the droplet size distribution in emulsion systems by generating function (1997) Journal of Chemical Physics, 24, pp. 10756-10763 Anton, N., Benoit, J., Saulnier, P., Design and production of nanoparticles formulated from nano-emulsion templates - a review (2008) Journal of Controlled Release, 128, pp. 185-199 Asghar, A., Henrickson, R.L., Chemical, biochemical, functional, and nutritional characteristics as collagen in food systems (1982) Advances in Food Research, 28, pp. 231-372 Chen, J., Dickinson, E., Edwards, M., Rheology of acid-induced sodium caseinate stabilized emulsion gels (1999) Journal of Texture Studies, 30, pp. 377-396 Chhabra, R.P., Agarwal, S., Chaudhary, K., A note on wall effect on the terminal falling velocity of a sphere in quiescent Newtonian media in cylindrical tubes (2003) Powder Technology, 19, pp. 53-58 Cortés-Muñoz, M., Chevalier-Lucia, D., Dumay, E., Characteristics of submicron emulsions prepared by ultra-high-pressure homogenization: effect of chilled or frozen storage (2009) Food Hydrocolloids, 23, pp. 640-654 Coupland, J.N., McClements, D.J., Droplet size distribution on food emulsions: comparison of ultrasonic and light scattering methods (2001) Journal of Food Engineering, 50, pp. 117-120 Desrumaux, A., Marcand, J., Formation of sunflower oil emulsions stabilized by whey proteins with high-pressure homogenization (up to 350MPa): effect of pressure on emulsion characteristics (2002) International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 37, pp. 263-269 Dickinson, E., (1992) An introduction to food hydrocolloids, , Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK Floury, J., Belletre, J., Legrand, J., Desrumaux, A., Analysis of a new type of high-pressure homogenizer. 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