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Characteristics Of Women Victims Of Sexual Violence And Their Compliance With Outpatient Follow-up: Time Trends At A Referral Center In Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil [características Das Mulheres Violentadas Sexualmente E Da Adesão Ao Seguimento Ambulatorial: Tendências Observadas Ao Longo Dos Anos Em Um Serviço De Referência Em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil]
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Cadernos De Saude Publica. , v. 27, n. 4, p. 701 - 713, 2011.
Oshikata C.T.
Bedone A.J.
de Papa M.S.F.
dos Santos G.B.
Pinheiro C.D.
Kalies A.H.
Sexual violence is a crime against individual integrity and sexual freedom. It affects women of all socioeconomic levels, and the perpetrator does not choose the victim's color or age. It is a source of high financial cost and a serious public health problem in Brazil. The current study aimed to assess compliance with outpatient follow-up by women victims of sexual violence treated at the Center for Women's Comprehensive Healthcare at the State University in Campinas, São Paulo State, from January 2000 to December 2006. We observed a significant increase in the return for scheduled appointments. In 2000, 41% of the women completed the six-month follow-up, and by 2006 the proportion had increased to 70%. Some 70% of the women appeared for treatment within 24 hours after being raped. Sexual assault by perpetrators known to the victims tripled during this same period. 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