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Transcription Factor Profiling Identifies An Aleurone-preferred Nac Family Member Involved In Maize Seed Development
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Annals Of Applied Biology. , v. 158, n. 1, p. 115 - 129, 2011.
Verza N.C.
Figueira T.R.S.
Sousa S.M.
Arruda P.
Transcription factors (TFs) preferentially expressed in developing endosperm were identified by searching a maize transcriptome database. One thousand and two hundred TFs were annotated, 414 of which were shown to express in the seeds. Of these, 113 presented preferential expression in developing endosperm. Among the endosperm-preferred TFs 13% were represented by members of the zinc-finger family, 17% by members of the bZIP family and 11% by members of the NAC family. Among the NAC family TFs, we identified APN-1, whose expression was detected 5 days after pollination (DAP) and peaked at 20 DAP. Analysis of the promoter sequence of gene encoding APN-1 revealed the presence of cis-elements related to endosperm-specificity, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA) signalling. Transient expression analysis of a construct containing the β-glucuronidase gene driven by the Apn-1 gene promoter showed that expression was restricted to the aleurone cell layer. Analysis of mRNA levels in developing maize endosperm treated with hormones revealed that the expression of the gene encoding APN-1 was stimulated by ABA and inhibited by GA. © 2010 Association of Applied Biologists. 158 1 115 129 Aida, M., Ishida, T., Fukaki, H., Fujisawa, H., Tasaka, M., Genes involved in organ separation in Arabidopsis: An analysis of the cup-shaped cotyledon mutant (1997) Plant Cell, 9, pp. 841-857 Bateman, A., Coin, L., Durbin, R., Finn, R.D., Hollich, V., Griffiths-Jones, S., Khanna, A., Eddy, S.R., The Pfam protein families database (2004) Nucleic Acids Research, 32, pp. D138-D141 Benson, D.A., Karsch-Mizrachi, I., Lipman, D.J., Ostell, J., Wheeler, D.L., GenBank (2005) Nucleic Acids Research, 33, pp. D34-D38 Bobb, A.J., Chern, M.S., Bustos, M.M., Conserved RY-repeats mediate transactivation of seed-specific promoters by the developmental regulator PvALF (1997) Nucleic Acids Research, 25, pp. 641-647 Bowman, J.L., The YABBY gene family and abaxial cell fate (2000) Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 3, pp. 17-22 De Freitas, F.A., Yunes, J.A., Da Silva, M.J., Arruda, P., Leite, A., Structural characterization and promoter activity analysis of the gamma-kafirin gene from sorghum (1994) Molecular & General Genetics, 245, pp. 177-186 Duval, M., Hsieh, T.F., Kim, S.Y., Thomas, T.L., Molecular characterization of AtNAM: A member of the Arabidopsis NAC domain superfamily (2002) Plant Molecular Biology, 50, pp. 237-248 Ezcurra, I., Wycliffe, P., Nehlin, L., Ellerstrom, M., Rask, L., Transactivation of the Brassica napus napin promoter by ABI3 requires interaction of the conserved B2 and B3 domains of ABI3 with different cis-elements: B2 mediates activation through an ABRE, whereas B3 interacts with an RY/G-box (2000) The Plant Journal, 24, pp. 57-66 Fujita, M., Fujita, Y., Maruyama, K., Seki, M., Hiratsu, K., Ohme-Takagi, M., Tran, L.-S.P., Shinozaki, K., A dehydration-induced NAC protein, RD26, is involved in a novel ABA-dependent stress-signaling pathway (2004) The Plant Journal, 39, pp. 863-876 Giroux, M.J., Boyer, C., Feix, G., Hannah, L.C., Coordinated transcriptional regulation of storage product genes in the maize endosperm (1994) Plant Physiology, 106, pp. 713-722 Gomez-Cadenas, A., Zentella, R., Sutliff, T.D., Ho, T.D.H., Involvement of multiple cis-elements in the regulation of GA responsive promoters: Definition of a new cis-element in the Amy32b gene promoter of barley (Hordeum vulgare) (2001) Physiologia Plantarum, 112, pp. 211-216 Gong, W., Shen, Y.P., Ma, L.G., Pan, Y., Du, Y.L., Wang, D.H., Yang, J.Y., Zhu, Y.X., Genome-wide ORFeome cloning and analysis of Arabidopsis transcription factor genes (2004) Plant Physiology, 135, pp. 773-782 Greve, K., La Cour, T., Jensen, M.K., Poulsen, F.M., Skriver, K., Interactions between plant RING-H2 and plant-specific NAC (NAM/ATAF1/2/CUC2) proteins: RING-H2 molecular specificity and cellular localization (2003) Biochemical Journal, 371, pp. 97-108 Gubler, F., Kalla, R., Roberts, J.K., Jacobsen, J.V., Gibberellin-regulated expression of a myb gene in barley aleurone cells - 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