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Post-quantum Cryptography: Lattice Identification Schemes
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Publicationes Mathematicae. , v. 79, n. 03/04/15, p. 729 - 748, 2011.
Silva R.
Cayrel P.-L.
Buchmann J.
This survey presents an overview and a comparative analysis of the state of art in post-quantum identification schemes based on lattices. Furthermore, we propose an adaptation of the HB family of identification in a lattice context. The aspects taken into account in such comparison are performance, security, communication costs, underlying hard-problem, completeness, soundness, and key sizes. 79 03/04/15 729 748 Blum, A., Kalai, A., Wasserman, H., Noise-tolerant learning, the parity problem, and the statistical query model (2003) J. 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