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Effects Of The Construction Method On Pile Performance: Evaluation By Instrumentation. Part 2: Experimental Site At The Faculty Of Engineering Of The University Of Porto
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Soils And Rocks. , v. 34, n. 1, p. 51 - 64, 2011.
de Albuquerque P.J.R.
Massad F.
da Fonseca A.V.
de Carvalho D.
Santos J.
Esteves E.C.
Three different types of piles (bored, CFA and precast driven) were installed in the experimental site located in the Campus of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto to study the effects of the construction method on pile performance. The subsoil is a residual granitic soil reaching depth levels over 20 m. In this site, several field and laboratory tests were conducted to obtain the local geotechnical parameters. Static pile load tests with load-unload cycles were performed. Bored and CFA piles were instrumented along the depth, with installation of retrievable sensors; a flat-jack load cell was inserted at the bottom of the bored pile. Load tests results demonstrated that bored and CFA piles show similar behavior: i) the applied load reaching the pile tip was about 42%, ii) and the average mobilized lateral resistance was about 60 kPa. After the tests were completed, piles were extracted for further inspection of shaft and load cell conditions. The driven pile although having a smaller cross-section showed a stiffer response and higher resistance than the other two piles, which are a clear indication that the installation effects play an important role in the pile response. The results are compared to those obtained in Part 1 of this article relating to tests performed at the Experimental Field of Unicamp (State University of Campinas). 34 1 51 64 Piles under static axial compressive load. Standard test method (1994), 4 (8), pp. 1143-1181. , American Society of Civil Engineers (ASTM), Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Philadelphia(1999) Manual De Especificações De Produtos E Procedimentos, p. 282. , Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Fundações (ABEF), 2 a ed. ABEF, São Paulo (1992) NBR 12131: Estacas: Prova De Carga Estática, , Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), Rio de Janeiro Costa, E.E., (2005) Ensaios E Análise De Resposta De Estacas Em Solo Residual Do Granito Sob Acções Verticais, p. 322. , MSc Thesis, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto de Cock, F., Legrand, C., Huybrechts, N., Axial static load test (ASPLT) in compression or in tension -Recommendations from ERTC3-Piles, ISSMGE Subcommittee (2003) Proc of the XIII ECSMGE, 3, pp. 717-741. , Prague Fellenius, B.H., Santos, J.A., da Fonseca, V.A., Analysis of piles in a residual soil - The ISC'2 prediction (2007) Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 44, pp. 201-220 Marques, J.A.F., Massad, F., Provas de carga instrumentadas com bulbos, executadas na região praieira de Maceió, Alagoas (2004) Solos E Rochas, 27 (3), pp. 243-260 Massad, F., Lazo, G., Método gráfico para interpretação da curva carga-recalque de provas de carga verticais em estacas rígidas ou curtas (1998) Anais Do XI Congresso Brasileiro De Mecânica Dos Solos E Engenharia Geotécnica, 3, pp. 1407-1414. , Brasília Da Fonseca, V.A., Carvalho, J., Ferreira, C., Tuna, C., Costa, E.E., Santos, J.A., Geothecnical characterization of a residual soil profile: The ISC'2 experimental site (2004) Proc. ISC'2 Geothecnical and Geophysical Site Characterization, 2, pp. 1361-1369. , Rotterdam Da Fonseca, V.A., Santos, J.A., Costa, E.E., Massad, F., Analysis of piles in residual soil from granite considering residual loads (2007) Soils and Rocks, 30 (1), pp. 63-80 Da Fonseca, V.A., Santos, J.A., International Prediction Event (2008), p. 699. , Behaviour of Bored, CFA and Precast Piles in Residual Soil. ISC'2 Experimental Site. University of Porto and Tech. Univ. of Lisbon, Porto and Lisbon