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Defining The Design Parameters Of A Teacher Training Course On The Incorporation Of Ict Into Teaching Practices
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Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences. , v. 15, n. , p. 653 - 657, 2011.
De Almeida Amorim J.
De Moraes Sarmento Rego I.
De Siqueira J.M.
Martinez-Saez A.
Bearing in mind the widespread use of multimedia resources in education, mainly due to the wide range of possibilities available on the Internet, teacher training must propel quality use of technology and foster updated knowledge and skills related to the Web 2.0, video production and publication, blog construction, wiki-based collaboration, selection of multimedia resources and many others. In order to contribute towards the debate on initial and continuous teacher training in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom, this paper discusses how the use of videos in teaching practices can contribute to improve learning. After presenting an experience dealing with a real training course for teachers, the text will define the design parameters of this kind of courses aimed at incorporating ICT into the teaching practices, with a special focus on the creation and use of audiovisual resources. The authors present a method in an attempt to categorise the abilities and resources provided by media and the way in which they convey information. They also include some conclusions dealing with the implementation of these resources in today's education systems. © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 15
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