Artículos de revistas
Lateral Mass Screws Of The Atlas For Upper Cervical Spine Fixation - Surgical Results [parafuso De Massa Lateral Do Atlas Para Fixação Da Coluna Cervical Superior - Resultados Cirúrgicos]
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Coluna/ Columna. , v. 10, n. 1, p. 44 - 46, 2011.
Ghizoni E.
Joaquim A.F.
Andrerle D.V.
Sergio Raimundo Onofre Cabral
To present the surgical results of a case series of upper cervical spine stabilization with the use of lateral mass screws of the atlas. Methods: Retrospective review of the surgical results of patients submitted to upper cervical spine stabilization with the use of lateral mass screws of the atlas. Results: Six patients were operated in the period between January 2009 to April 2010, four men and two women. There was no permanent morbidity or mortality in the presented series. The main cause of atlanto-axial instability was trauma and there was just one case of odontoid pathologic fracture from a prostate metastasis. Axis fixation was achieved with the use of three different screw techniques (pars, pedicle and laminar), with equal distribution among the patients. Conclusions: The use of lateral mass screws of the atlas is an important technique to achieve fusion and stability of the upper cervical spine and with the knowledge of the anatomy and of the surgical technique good results can be achieved. 10 1 44 46 Rhoton, A.L., The foramen magnum (2000) Neurosurgery, 47 (SUPPL. 3), pp. S155-S93 Penning, L., Wilmink, J.T., Rotation of the cervical spine (1987) ACT study in normal subjects, 12 (8), pp. 732-738. , Spine Phila Pa(1976) Goel, A., Laheri, V.K., Plate and screw fixation for atlanto-axial subluxation (1994) Acta Neurochir (Wien), 129 (1-2), pp. 47-53 Menendez, J.A., Wright, N.M., Techniques of posterior C1-C2 stabilization (2007) Neurosurgery, 60 (1 SUPPL. 1), pp. S103-S111 Joaquim, A.F., Ghizoni, E., Rubino, P.A., Anderle, D.V., Tedeschi, H., Rhoton, A.L., Oliveira, E., Lateral mass screws of the atlas: Surgical technique and anatomy World Neuro surgery, (2), pp. 359-62 Mudo, M.L., Amantéa, A.V., Cavalheiro, S., Joaquim, A.F., (2009) Intraoperative Radiological Visualization of the Occipito-cervical Transition and Upper Cervical Spine: Technical Note Coluna/ Columna, 8 (2), pp. 197-199 Harms, J., Melcher, R.P., (1976) Posterior C1-C2 fusion with polyaxial screw and rod fixation Spine (Phila Pa), 26 (22), pp. 2467-2471. , 2001 Nov 15 Fiore, A.J., Mummaneni, P.V., Haid, R.W., Rodts, G.E., Sasso, R.C., (2003) C1 Lateral Mass Screws: Surgical Nuances Tech Orthop, 17 (3), pp. 272-277 Seal, C., Zarro, C., Gelb, D., Ludwig, S., C1 lateral mass anatomy: Proper placement of lateral mass screws (2009) J Spinal Disord Tech, 22 (7), pp. 516-523 Rocha, R., Safavi-Abbasi, S., Reis, C., Theodore, N., Bambakidis, N., De Oliveira, E., Working area, safety zones, and angles of approach for posterior C-1 lateral mass screw placement: A quantitative anatomical and morphometric evaluation (2007) J Neurosurg, 6 (3), pp. 247-254. , Spine Paramore, C.G., Dickman, C.A., Sonntag, V.K., The anatomical suitability of the C1-2 complex for transarticular screw fixation (1996) J Neurosurg, 85 (2), pp. 221-224 Joaquim, A.F., Patel, A.P., Occipito cervical trauma: Evaluation, classification and treatment (2010) Contemp Spine Surg, 11 (4), pp. 1-5 Joaquim, A.F., Patel, A.P., C1 and C2 spine trauma: Evaluation, classification and treatment (2010) Contemp Spine Surg, 11 (3), pp. 1-7 Joaquim, A.F., Patel, A.P., Occipito cervical trauma: Evaluation Classification and Treatment (2010) Contemp Neurosurg, 32 (12), pp. 1-6