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Optimal Approximation On Sd
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Journal Of Complexity. , v. 16, n. 2, p. 424 - 458, 2000.
Kushpel A.
The asymptotic behavior of the n-widths of a wide range of sets of smooth functions on a d-dimensional sphere in Lq(Sd) is studied. Upper and lower bounds for the n-widths are established. Moreover, it is shown that these upper and lower bounds coincide for some important concrete examples. © 2000 Academic Press. 16 2 424 458 Askey, R., Wainger, S., On the behavior of special classes of ultraspherical expansions I, II (1965) J. Analyse Math., 15, pp. 193-244 Bonami, A., Clerk, J.-L., Sommes de Cesàro et multiplicateurs des développements en harmoniques sphériques (1973) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 183, pp. 223-263 Dunford, N., Schwartz, J., (1957) Linear Operators, , New York: Interscience Forst, W., Über die Breite von Klassen holomorpher periodischer Funktionen (1977) J. Approx. Theory, 19, pp. 325-331 Gluskin, E.D., On some problem about n-widths (1974) Doklady Acad. Nauk. 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