dc.creatorSebbenn A.M.
dc.creatorSeoane C.E.S.
dc.creatorKageyama P.Y.
dc.creatorVencovsky R.
dc.identifierScientia Forestalis/forest Sciences. , v. , n. 58, p. 127 - 143, 2000.
dc.descriptionThis research aims to study the effects of the traditional management of Tabebuia cassinoides (Bignoneaceae) on the intrapopulation genetic variability and the mating system of a managed population at the Iguape, SP and a natural population at the Ecological Station of Jureia, Iguape, SP. The sampling in natural and managed populations included 11 and 10 maternal families with 10 individuals per family. The mean fixation index within populations (F̂ IS) and the fixation index over all populations (F̂ IT), were positive, high and significant (0.259 and 0.282, respectively), suggesting, a relatively high inbreeding in the populations. The genetic divergence between populations (F̂ ST) was low for the mean over loci (0.031), revealing that approximately 97% of the genetic variability was distributed within populations. The natural population had alleles that were absent in the managed population. For the natural and managed populations the following estimates were obtained: observed heterozygosity (H o), 0.253 (0.041) and 0.174 (0.036); genetic diversity (Ĥ e), 0.314 (0.051) and 0.266 (0.049); percentage of polymorphic loci (P), 84.6% and 76.9%; fixation index (f), 0.192 (0.069) and 0.346 (0.072); multilocus outcrossing rate (t̂ m), 0.895 (0.048) and 0.783 (0.104); self-pollinization rate (Ŝ), 0.105 and 0.217, respectively. Results indicated that forestry management in this case lead to a loss of rare aleles, a reduction in heterozigosity, genetic diversity and percentage of polymorphic loci, an increase in the fixation index and a tendency towards an increase in the self-pollinization rate in the managed population. Finally, evaluations of the effective population size indicated that for the management of this forest to be genetically sustainable, at least 60 reproductive individuals should be kept per ha.
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dc.relationScientia Forestalis/Forest Sciences
dc.titleEffects Of The Management On The Genetic Structure Of Caixeta (tabebuia Cassinoides) Populations [efeitos Do Manejo Na Estrutura Genética De Populações De Caixeta (tabebuia Cassinoides)]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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