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The Biomechanics Of Rapid Maxillary Suturai Expansion
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American Journal Of Orthodontics And Dentofacial Orthopedics. , v. 118, n. 3, p. 257 - 261, 2000.
Braun S.
Bottrel J.A.
Lee K.-G.
Lunazzi J.J.
Legan H.L.
Micro-displacements (fringe patterns) in the bones of the craniofacial complex as seen through laser holography during midpalatal sutural expansion with the Hyrax appliance are used to define the centers of rotation of the maxillary halves in both the frontal and occlusal views. Biomechanical analyses of the maxillary expansion force system are concomitant with the holographic findings and strongly suggest that the stainless steel wires joining the teeth to any expansion device be of the largest diameter possible. In addition, in the case of the Hyrax expansion device, it is recommended that the manufacturer increase the diameter of the activating screw as well as those of the 2 adjacent wire guides. And, importantly, the use of acrylic as a structural member to join the teeth to a suturai expansion device should be avoided if tipping of the maxillary halves is to be minimized, as the acrylic lacks sufficient rigidity. 118 3 257 261 Barnes, R.E., The early expansion of deciduous arches and its effect on the developing permanent dentition (1956) Am J Orthod, 42, pp. 83-97 Cheney, E.A., Indications and methods for the interception of functional crossbites and interlockings (1959) Dent Clin N Am, JULY, pp. 385-392 Clifford, F.O., Crossbite correction in the deciduous dentition: Principles and procedures (1971) Am J Orthod, 59, pp. 343-349 Davis, J.M., Why early treatment of crossbites? 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