dc.creatorNebra S.A.
dc.creatorSilva M.A.
dc.creatorMujumdar A.S.
dc.identifierDrying Technology. , v. 18, n. 3, p. 791 - 832, 2000.
dc.descriptionThis paper presents an overview of the flow, heat and mass transfer characteristics of vortex (or cyclone) dryers. The focus is on the potential of the cyclone configuration for drying of participates. A selective review is made of the literature pertains to single phase and gas-particle flow in cyclone geometries. Recent data on drying of particulates in cyclone dryers are summarized. Key Words and Phrases: vortex dryers, cyclone dryers, cyclones, heat and mass transfer in cyclones Copyright ©2000 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.
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dc.relationDrying Technology
dc.titleDrying In Cyclones - A Review
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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