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Josephson Coupling Between Superconducting Clusters In Bi2sr2cacu2o8+δ Crystals
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Europhysics Letters. , v. 51, n. 2, p. 174 - 180, 2000.
De Lima O.F.
Awana V.P.S.
Ribeiro R.A.
Avila M.A.
Diamagnetic moments for two Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ crystals were measured at different fields H and temperatures. For the higher fields two distinct transition temperatures Tg and TJ are seen, with Tg > TJ. By increasing H the line Tg(H) shifts very slowly while TJ(H) shifts much faster to lower temperatures, displaying a clear upward curvature well described by a theory based on Josephson coupling between superconducting clusters. We show further that TJ(H) is dependent on sample homogeneity, which is correlated with oxygen distribution in the high-Tc superconductors. 51 2 174 180 Fisk, Z., Sarrao, J.L., (1997) Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci., pp. 35-67. , edited by E. N. KAUFMANN Majewski, P., (1994) Adv. Mater., 6, p. 460 Daeumling, M., (1990) Nature, 346, p. 332 Horiuchi, S., (1992) Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 31, pp. L1335 Seidler, G.T., (1991) Physica C, 183, p. 333 Mackenzie, A.P., (1993) Phys. Rev. Lett., 71, p. 1238 Osofsky, M.S., (1993) Phys. Rev. Lett., 71, p. 2315 Walker, D.J.C., (1995) Phys. Rev. B, 51, p. 9375 Alexandrov, A.S., (1996) Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, p. 983 Gantmakher, V.F., (1999) Sov. Phys. JETP, 88, p. 148 Joynt, R., (1990) Phys. Rev. B, 41, p. 4271 Kotliar, G., Varma, C.M., (1996) Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, p. 2296 Kim, W., (1998) Phys. Rev. B, 58, pp. R607 Nikulov, A.V., (1997) Phys. Rev. Lett., 78, p. 981 Geshkenbein, V.B., (1998) Phys. Rev. Lett., 80, p. 5778 Wen, H.H., (1999) Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, p. 410 Da Silva, R.R., private communicationUllah, S., Dorsey, A.T., (1990) Phys. Rev. Lett., 65, p. 2066 Welp, W., (1991) Phys. Rev. Lett., 67, p. 3180 Li, Q., (1993) Phys. Rev. B, 48, p. 9877 De Lima, O.F., De Andrade R., Jr., (1995) Physica C, 248, p. 353 Tinkham, M., (1996) Introduction to Superconductivity, , McGraw-Hill, New York Veal, B.W., (1990) Phys. Rev. B, 42, p. 6305 Horiuchi, S., (1990) Physica C, 168, p. 205 Eibl, O., (1990) Physica C, 168, p. 249 Nideröst, M., (1998) Phys. Rev. Lett., 81, p. 3231