Artículos de revistas
Pierre Janet And Unconscious Psychic Acts Revealed By The Psychic Automatism Of Hysterical Patients [pierre Janet E Os Atos Psíquicos Inconscientes Revelados Pelo Automatismo Psíquico Das Histéricas]
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Revista Latinoamericana De Psicopatologia Fundamental. , v. 11, n. 2, p. 301 - 309, 2008.
Costa Pereira M.E.
Pierre Janet wrote works of great prestige and repercussion in the field of psychology and psychopathology. His theory of psychopathology is based on the hypothesis that the mental apparatus is not really a unit. It is rather held together by the action of an internal force that synthesizes its diverse cognitive and emotional elements. In his article Janet examines factors that can lead to the breakdown and consequent dissociation of this apparatus. In his view, hysteria is a true prototype of the psychopathological situation where elements that should remain "unconscious," that is, that should serve as mere background for mental functioning, acquire autonomous and morbid access to the consciousness of the subject. 11 2 301 309 Ellenberger, H., (1994) Histoire de la découverte de l'inconscient, , Paris: Fayard Freud, S., As neuropsicoses de defesa (1976) Edição Standard Brasileira das Obras Psicológicas Completas de Sigmund Freud, 3, pp. 55-73. , (1894), In, São Paulo, Imago Freud, S., Um estudo autobiográfico (1976) Edição Standard Brasileira das Obras Psicológicas Completas de Sigmund Freud, 20, pp. 17-92. , (1925), In, São Paulo, Imago Freud, S., (1986) A correspondência completa de Sigmund Freud para Wilhelm Fliess 1887- 1904, , (Editor J. Masson). Rio de Janeiro: Imago Hart, O., Ian Hacking on Pierre Janet: Observations (1996) Dissociation, 9 (1), pp. 80-84 Janet, P., L'automatisme psychologique, , (1889), Essai de psychologie expérimentale sur les formes inférieures de l'activité humaine. Paris: Félix Alcan (Reimpresso pela Société Pierre Janet, Paris, 1973) Janet, P., (2003) Conférences à la Salpêtrière: Anesthésie, amnésie et suggestion chez lês hystériques, , (1892), Paris: L'Harmattan Janet, P., (1975) De l'angoisse à l'extase, 1 (2). , (1926), Paris: Félix Alcan Nicolas, S., (2003) Conférences à la Salpêtrière: Anesthésie, amnésie et suggestion chez lês hystériques, pp. 7-13. , (1892), Introduction de l'éditeur. In: Janet, P., Paris: L'Harmattan Postel, J., (1994) La psychiatrie, , Paris: Larousse Postel, J., Quetel, C., (1983) Nouvelle histoire de la psychiatrie, , Toulouse: Privat Roudinesco, E., Plon, M., (1998) Dicionário de psicanálise, , Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar