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Mri Shows Dorsal Lesions And Spinal Cord Atrophy In Chronic Sensory Neuronopathies
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Journal Of Neuroimaging. , v. 18, n. 2, p. 168 - 172, 2008.
Franca Jr. M.C.
D'Abreu A.
Zanardi V.A.
Faria A.V.
Lopes-Cendes I.
Nucci A.
Cendes F.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Sensory neuronopathies (SN) represent a specific subgroup of peripheral nervous system diseases, characterized by degeneration of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and its projections. We tried to estimate the frequency and extent of spinal cord MRI abnormalities in a group of patients with SN and correlate these with clinical and neurophysiological features. METHODS: We performed spinal cord MRI scans in 16 chronic SN patients. Images were analyzed for the presence of posterior hyperintense lesions on T2WI and cord areas at C3 level were obtained using a previously validated method. A group of 14 healthy controls with similar age and gender distribution was used for comparison. ANOVA was employed for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Posterior T2WI lesions were found in 13 out of 16 patients. Cord areas were significantly smaller in SN patients than controls (84.3 × 97.2 mm2, P <.05). Atrophy correlated with severity of sensory ataxia and neurophysiologic abnormalities but not with duration of disease. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support volumetric spinal cord MRI as a useful tool in the assessment of chronic SN. © 2008 by the American Society of Neuroimaging. 18 2 168 172 Sghirlanzoni, A., Pareyson, D., Lauria, G., Sensory neuron diseases (2005) Lancet Neurol, 4, pp. 349-361 Lauria, G., Pareyson, D., Sghirlanzoni, A., Neurophysiological diagnosis of acquired sensory ganglionopathies (2003) Eur Neurol, 50, pp. 146-152 Mori, K., Koike, H., Misu, K., Hattori, N., Ichimura, M., Sobue, G., Spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates sensory neuronal involvement and clinical severity in neuronopathy associated with Sjogren's syndrome (2001) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 71, pp. 488-492 Lauria, G., Pareyson, D., Grisoli, M., Sghirlanzoni, A., Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings in chronic sensory ganglionopathies (2000) Ann Neurol, 47, pp. 104-109 Carnevalle, A.D., Rondina, J.M., Kobayashi, E., Cendes, F., Validation of a semiautomated system for MRI-based hippocampal volumetry in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (2003) J Epilepsy Clin Neurophysiol, 9, pp. 97-104 Franca Jr., M.C., D'Abreu, A., Maurer-Morelli, C.V., Seccolin, R., Appenzeller, S., Alessio, A., Damasceno, B.P., Lopes-Cendes, I., Prospective neuroimaging study in hereditary spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum (2007) Mov Disord, 22, pp. 1556-1562 Beucher, S., Meyer, F., The morphological approach to segmentation: The watershed transform (1993) Mathematical Morphology in Image Processing., pp. 433-481. , In: Dougherty, E.R., ed, New York: Marcel Dekker, chapter 12, p Lin, C., Dyck, P., Spinner, R., Krauss, W., Dyck, P.J.B., Diagnostic yield of nerve rootlet biopsy [abstract] (2006) Neurology, 66 (5), pp. A44-A45 Lauria, G., Sghirlanzoni, A., Lombardi, R., Pareyson, D., Epidermal nerve fiber density in sensory ganglionopathies: Clinical and neurophysiologic correlations (2001) Muscle Nerve, 24, pp. 1034-1039 Bang, M.S., Han, T.R., Lim, J.Y., Acute sensory neuronopathy: Identified with electrodiagnosis and magnetic resonance imaging (1998) Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 77, pp. 494-497 Takahashi, Y., Takata, T., Hoshino, M., Sakurai, M., Kanazawa, I., Benefit of IVIG for long-standing ataxic sensory neuronopathy with Sjogren's syndrome (2003) Neurology, 60, pp. 503-505 Hemmer, B., Glocker, F.X., Schumacher, M., Deuschl, G., Lucking, C.H., Subacute combined degeneration: Clinical, electrophysiological, and magnetic resonance imaging findings (1998) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 65, pp. 822-827 Kumar, N., Crum, B., Petersen, R.C., Vernino, S.A., Ahlskog, J.E., Copper deficiency myelopathy (2004) Arch Neurol, 61, pp. 762-766 Mascalchi, M., Salvi, F., Piacentini, S., Bartolozzi, C., Friedreich's ataxia: MR findings involving the cervical portion of the spinal cord (1994) AJR Am J Roentgenol, 163, pp. 187-191 Gilmore, C.P., Deluca, G.C., Bo, L., Owens, T., Lowe, J., Esiri, M.M., Evangelou, N., Spinal cord atrophy in multiple sclerosis caused by white matter volume loss (2005) Arch Neurol, 62, pp. 1859-1862 Bieniek, M., Altmann, D.R., Davies, G.R., Ingle, G.T., Rashid, W., Sastre-Garriga, J., Thompson, A.J., Miller, D.H., Cord atrophy separates early primary progressive and relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (2006) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 77, pp. 1036-1039 Laura, M., Leong, W., Murray, N.M., Ingle, G., Miszkiel, K.A., Altmann, D.R., Miller, D.H., Reilly, M.M., Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy: MRI study of brain and spinal cord (2005) Neurology, 64, pp. 914-916 Hedera, P., Eldevik, O.P., Maly, P., Rainier, S., Fink, J.K., Spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging in autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia (2005) Neuroradiology, 47, pp. 730-734 Bakshi, R., Dandamudi, V.S., Neema, M., De, C., Bermel, R.A., Measurement of brain and spinal cord atrophy by magnetic resonance imaging as a tool to monitor multiple sclerosis (2005) J Neuroimaging, 15, pp. 30S-45S Barkhof, F., McKinstry, R.C., Quantifying spinal cord demyelination with magnetic transfer imaging (2005) Neurology, 64, pp. 1677-1678