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The Fate Of Patulin In Apple Juice Processing: A Review
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Food Research International. , v. 41, n. 5, p. 441 - 453, 2008.
Sant'Ana A.d.S.
Rosenthal A.
de Massaguer P.R.
This article is a review about the effects of each of the processing stages of pasteurized apple juice on the increase, prevalence or reduction of patulin (PAT) levels in the final product. Recommendations are included for the control and reduction of the incidence of the moulds that produce it and the mycotoxin itself, from the pre-harvest to the final manufacturing stages of apple juice, studies required for a better understanding of the behaviour of this mycotoxin during processing also being indicated. Although the initial stages of the juice manufacturing process (washing, selection and trimming) are highly efficient in reducing the levels of PAT, control of the mycotoxin should always be focused on the production stages of the process that guarantee the inhibition of its production (pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest). © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. 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