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European Portuguese Articulatory Based Text-to-speech: First Results
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3540859799; 9783540859796
Lecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics). , v. 5190 LNAI, n. , p. 101 - 111, 2008.
Teixeira A.
Oliveira C.
Barbosa P.
In this paper we present recent work on the development of Linguistic Models, resulting in a first "complete" articulatory-based TTS system for Portuguese. The system, based on TADA system, integrates our past work in automatic syllabification and grapheme-phone conversion plus a first gestural specification of European Portuguese sounds. The system was integrated with SAPWindows, an articulatory synthesizer for Portuguese. A demonstration of the system capabilities and a first perceptual evaluation are presented. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 5190 LNAI
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