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Ornithophilous Canopy Species In The Atlantic Rain Forest Of Southeastern Brazil
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Journal Of Field Ornithology. , v. 79, n. 2, p. 130 - 137, 2008.
Rocca M.A.
Sazima M.
In tropical ecosystems, birds play a relevant role in plant reproduction. Although hummingbirds are regarded as the most important vertebrate pollinators in the Neotropics, the possible role of perching birds as pollinators has been neglected. From 2003 to 2005, we observed 68 species of plants visited by birds in an Atlantic rainforest in southeastern Brazil, including three canopy species: Spirotheca rivieri (Malvaceae, Bombacoidea), Schwartzia brasiliensis (Marcgraviaceae), and Psittacanthus dichrous (Loranthaceae). Flowers of these three species were visited by 15 different species of perching birds and by hummingbirds. The flowers of these three plants are colorful, ranging from deep red or purple to orange. Spirotheca rivieri blooms during the austral winter and Schwartzia brasiliensis during the summer. The flowers of these two species produce copious amounts of dilute nectar in easily accessible structures and both species appear to depend primarily on perching birds as pollinators, with hummingbirds being secondary or minor pollen vectors. The tubular, narrow flowers of P. dichrous are produced during the austral summer and are visited primarily by hummingbirds. Perching birds also visit the flowers, but destroy them. Our results suggest that previous estimates of the number of perching birds that feed on nectar may be too low and that flowers pollinated by perching birds may be more common in the canopy of Neotropical forests than previously thought. ©2008 Association of Field Ornithologists. 79 2 130 137 Agostini, K., Sazima, M., Sazima, I., Bird pollination of explosive flowers while foraging for nectar and caterpillars (2006) Biotropica, 38, pp. 674-678. , and Araujo, A.C., Sazima, M., The assemblage of flowers visited by hummingbirds in the "capões" of Southern Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (2003) Flora, 198, pp. 427-435. , and Araujo, A.C., Fischer, E.A., Sazima, M., Floração seqüencial e polinização de três espécies de Vriesea (Bromeliaceae) na região da Juréia, sudeste do Brasil (1994) Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 17, pp. 113-118. , and Barbosa, A.A.A., Hortia brasiliana Vand. 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