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Are Biological Species And Higher-ranking Categories Real? Fish Folk Taxonomy On Brazil's Atlantic Forest Coast And In The Amazon
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Current Anthropology. , v. 49, n. 2, p. 291 - 306, 2008.
Begossi A.
Clauzet M.
Figueiredo J.L.
Garuana L.
Lima R.V.
Lopes P.F.
Ramires M.
Silva A.L.
Silvano R.A.M.
Analysis of Brazilian fishers' classifications of 24 marine (Atlantic coast) and 24 freshwater (Amazon) fish species reveals that fishers from the Atlantic coast identify fish mainly through generic names (primary lexemes), while riverine Amazonian fishers typically identify them through binomials. The similarity of Amazonian fish species seems to contribute to the detailed folk taxonomy used by riverine fishers. High-ranking groups called "relatives" or "cousins" are sorted by fishers in terms of similarities of habitat, diet, and morphology and, secondarily, behavior. The general correspondence between the folk and scientific taxonomies reinforces the reality of both the supracategories used by these fishers and the biological groups as discontinuities in nature. Given the urgency of biological inventories and the lack of knowledge of high-biodiversity environments such as the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon, these results suggest that fisher knowledge and experience could contribute to scientific research. © 2008 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved. 49 2 291 306 Agosti, D., Biodiversity data are out of local taxonomists' reach (2006) Nature, 439, p. 392 Atran, S., Itzaj Maya folkbiological taxonomy: Cognitive universals and cultural particulars (1999) Folkbiology, pp. 119-203. , ed. D. Medin and S. Atran, Cambridge: MIT Press Begossi, A. 1989. Food diversity and choice, and technology in a Brazilian fishing community (Búzios Island, São Paulo State). Ph.D. diss., University of California, DavisAtran, S., Fishing activities and strategies at Búzios Island (1996) Fisheries resource utilization and policy: Proceedings of the World Fisheries Congress 2, pp. 125-141. , ed. R. M. Meyer, C. Zhang, M. L. 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