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Microsprinkler Clogged Due To Iron Problems In The Water [microaspersores Entupidos Devido A Problemas De Ferro Na água]
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Ciencia Rural. , v. 38, n. 5, p. 1456 - 1459, 2008.
Ribeiro T.A.P.
Paterniani J.E.S.
An important aspect to be considered in irrigation managment is the uniformity distribution of water through the irrigation system. This research had the objective to evaluate the efficiency of chlorination in the use of sodium hypochlorite in clearing of microsprinkler due to the presence of high iron concentration in water. The equipment with less than a year of use presenting sectors with 5% and 57% lower flow than the original project flow. The chemical treatment of water irrigation utilized sodium hypochlorite with 12% free chlorine on 100mg L-1 concentration, and sulphuric acid 98% to maintain the pH of water irrigation about 4.5. The result demonstrated a significant increase in the average flow of the microsprinkler's variation in all evaluted setors, and decrease in their flow variation related to the estimated in the project. 38 5 1456 1459 BRALTS, F.V., KESNER, D.C., Drip irrigation field uniformity estimation (1983) Transactions of the American Society Agricultural Engineer, 26 (5), pp. 1369-1374 CORDEIRO, E.A., (2002) Influência do tratamento de água ferruginosa no desempenho de sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, pp. 92f. , Dissertação Mestrado em Irrigação, Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Federal de Viçosa LOPEZ, R.J., (1997) Riego localizado, , 2.ed. Madri: Mundi-Prensa, 405p NAKAYAMA, F.S., BUCKS, D.A., (1986) Trickle irrigation for crop production: Design, operation and management, , Amsterdam: Elsevier, 383p RAVINA, I., Control of emitter clogging in drip irrigation with reclaimed wastewater (1992) Irrigation Science, 13, pp. 129-139 VIEIRA, G.H.S., Recuperação de gotejadores obstruídos devido à utilização de águas ferruginosas. (2004) Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 8 (1), pp. 1-6