dc.creatorSato Turtelli L.
dc.creatorGomes Cunha Fernandes Tavares M. da C.
dc.identifierPsicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa. , v. 24, n. 3, p. 295 - 303, 2008.
dc.descriptionThe aim of this research was to discuss Kestenberg's studies concerning human movement and development. These studies present with great detail the complexity of these phenomena and show the links between the acquisition of motor abilities and psychological development. This research was based on Kestenberg's original publications. Developmental phases considering the use of space and the characteristic movement patterns of each phase are described and related to the construction of body image and to psychic development. Relevant data for a deeper psychological approach to human movement is considered.
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dc.relationPsicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa
dc.titleHuman Movement In Developmental Context: Judith Kestenberg's Studies [movimento Humano No Contexto Do Desenvolvimento: Estudos De Judith Kestenberg]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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