dc.creatorViani R.A.G.
dc.creatorRodrigues R.R.
dc.identifierActa Botanica Brasilica. , v. 22, n. 4, p. 1015 - 1026, 2008.
dc.descriptionTransplanting seedlings and saplings from natural forests has been considered an alternative to producing saplings of native species for forest restoration purposes, but the possible impact of this procedure on plant community regeneration has not been investigated. This work evaluates the impact of different treatments of shrub and tree-seedling (up to 30 cm) removal from a seasonal semideciduous forest fragment located in southeastern Brazil on the natural regeneration process. Eighty 2×2 m plots were installed in two habitats (forest edge and interior) and submitted to four seedling-removal treatments (I, II - 100% removal with or without soil mixing; III - 50% removal without soil mixing; and IV - control treatment without seedling removal). Regeneration density and richness were evaluated before treatment as well as 6, 12 and 18 months later. The results were compared among treatments for each evaluation period and among periods within treatments. There were similarities between edge and interior. The natural regeneration process did not improve with soil mixing. Plots submitted to seedling removal partially recovered plant density; however, these plots had lower species richness when compared to the control and to the initial values before treatment. Seedling removal has a negative impact on the regeneration process of low-density species, thus the use of natural regeneration as a sapling source for forest restoration purposes should focus only on highdensity species with well-known regeneration strategies and not on the community as a whole.
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dc.titleImpact Of Seedling Removal On Regenerating Community Structure Of A Seasonal Semideciduous Forest [impacto Da Remoção De Plântulas Sobre A Estrutura Da Comunidade Regenerante De Floresta Estacional Semidecidual]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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