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Polyphagy And Obligate Myrmecophily In The Butterfly Hallonympha Paucipuncta (lepidoptera: Riodinidae) In The Neotropical Cerrado Savanna
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Biotropica. , v. 40, n. 3, p. 390 - 394, 2008.
Kaminski L.A.
This study analyzes host plant use and obligate myrmecophily in Hallonympha paucipuncta, an endemic butterfly of the Cerrado. Larvae of H. paucipuncta are polyphagous, using at least 19 species of plants in 10 families. All larvae found were being tended by Crematogaster ants. Spatial distribution of larvae and tending ants were strongly aggregated, suggesting an influence of ants on oviposition and/or larval survival. Implications of obligate myrmecophily in the evolution of polyphagy in Riodinidae are discussed. © 2008 The Author(s). 40 3 390 394 Atsatt, P.R., Ant-dependent food plant selection by the mistletoe butterfly Ogyris amaryllis (Lycaenidae) (1981) Oecologia, 48, pp. 60-63 Ayres, M., Ayres, M.J., Ayres, D.L., Santos, A.S., (2005) Bioestat 4.0 Aplicações Estatísticas Nas Áreas Das Ciências Bio-médicas., , and. Sociedade Civil Mamirauá, MCT CNPq, Belém, Brazil Brown Jr., K.S., Mielke, O.H.H., Lepidoptera of the Central Brazil Plateau. I. 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