dc.creatorBertapelli F.
dc.creatorBarros-Filho A.D.A.
dc.creatorAntonio M.A.R.D.G.M.
dc.creatorBarbeta C.J.D.O.
dc.creatorDe Lemos-Marini S.H.V.
dc.creatorGuerra-Junior G.
dc.identifierBiomed Research International. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, v. 2014, n. , p. - , 2014.
dc.descriptionThe objective of this study was to review the growth curves for Turner syndrome, evaluate the methodological and statistical quality, and suggest potential growth curves for clinical practice guidelines. The search was carried out in the databases Medline and Embase. Of 1006 references identified, 15 were included. Studies constructed curves for weight, height, weight/height, body mass index, head circumference, height velocity, leg length, and sitting height. The sample ranged between 47 and 1,565 (total = 6,273) girls aged 0 to 24 y, born between 1950 and 2006. The number of measures ranged from 580 to 9,011 (total = 28,915). Most studies showed strengths such as sample size, exclusion of the use of growth hormone and androgen, and analysis of confounding variables. However, the growth curves were restricted to height, lack of information about selection bias, limited distributional properties, and smoothing aspects. In conclusion, we observe the need to construct an international growth reference for girls with Turner syndrome, in order to provide support for clinical practice guidelines. © 2014 Fabio Bertapelli et al.
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dc.publisherHindawi Publishing Corporation
dc.relationBioMed Research International
dc.titleGrowth Curves For Girls With Turner Syndrome
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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