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Diagnosis And Treatment Of Congenital Hemophilia With Inhibitors. A Latin American Perspective
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Medicina. , v. 68, n. 3, p. 227 - 242, 2008.
Bianco R.P.
Ozelo M.C.
Villaca P.R.
Solano M.H.
Cruz G.J.
Murillo C.M.
Chavez J.G.
Mendoza S.
Grecco I.R.
Ruiz-Saez A.
The Committee of Latin America on the Therapeutics of Inhibitor Groups (CLOTTING) is composed of a number of hemophilia specialists from Latin America. The group aims to encourage the adoption of a good standard of care for Latin American patients with hemophilia. The occurrence of inhibitors in patients with hemophilia poses clinical challenges, and it is estimated that between 1 000 and 3 000 patients in Latin America are affected by hemophilia with inhibitors. There is an urgent need to establish a regional consensus and clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of these patients. We present an extensive review based on best current clinical practice and published literature, as seen from a Latin American perspective, taking into account the variable nature of hemophilia care available in the various countries in this Region. 68 3 227 242 Ehrenforth, S., Kreuz, W., Scharrer, I., Incidence of development of factor VIII and factor IX inhibitors in haemophiliacs (1992) Lancet, 339, pp. 594-598 Katz, J., Prevalence of factor IX inhibitors among patients with haemophilia B: Results of a large-scale North American study (1996) Haemophilia, 2, pp. 28-31 Goudemand, J., Pharmaco-economic aspects of inhibitor treatment (1998) Eur J Haematol, 61, pp. 24-27 World Hemophilia Federation Report on Global Survey 2006. World Federation of Hemophilia, 2007. 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