Actas de congresos
Continuamente: Integrating Percussion, Audiovisual And Improvisation
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International Computer Music Conference, Icmc 2008. International Computer Music Association, v. , n. , p. - , 2008.
Manzolli J.
This report describes continuaMENTE, an interactive audiovisual piece composed for tape, texts, video, interactive percussion and live electronics. It was commissioned by the Itaú Cultural Foundation, São Paulo and created at the Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Sound Studies (NICS), Unicamp, Brazil. First performed on August 2007 in the exposition "Memória do Futuro" (Memory of the Future), continuaMENTE integrated several materials with real-time sounds and music's gestures produced by three percussionists. The use of three interfaces: interactive mallets, gloves and a carpet, and the musicians' actions generated complex sound textures on a MIDI controlled piano. This report describes the conceptual view, used resources, sonic strategies and graphic notation, and the performance rules related to this work.
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