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A Game-inspired Modeling Framework For Multiple Intelligent Agents Control Systems - A Water Resources Regulation Problem Application
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142440441X; 9781424404414
22nd Ieee International Symposium On Intelligent Control, Isic 2007. Part Of Ieee Multi-conference On Systems And Control. , v. , n. , p. 505 - 510, 2008.
Da Costa E.A.
Bottura C.P.
Some interesting recent papers apply concepts and modeling approaches for multiple interacting intelligent autonomous agents control systems analysis and design inspired in Game Theory, where 'players' are treated as 'agents', in several conflicts of interests situations. This paper presents and uses the named Strategic Games Matrix (SGM) as a general framework for these new types of control problems. A methodology for analysis of hierarchical multilevel architectures models based on the SGM concept is applied to a water resources regulation control problem, with multiple interacting autonomous stakeholders, as posed by Hämäläinen et al as "The Päijänne Lake Regulation Policy" case. © 2007 IEEE.
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