dc.creatorDe Oliveira C.C.
dc.creatorCiasca S.M.
dc.creatorMoura-Ribeiro M.V.L.
dc.identifierArquivos De Neuro-psiquiatria. , v. 66, n. 1, p. 30 - 33, 2008.
dc.descriptionThe aim of this study was to characterize a group of patients (n=8) with sickle cell disease (SCD) and ischemic stroke concerning the clinical, neurological, imaging and progressive aspects. Data were collected from records and completed with an interview of patients and their parents. In this study there were 8 patients with ages ranging from 10 to 23 years old; SCD diagnosis was given between one and two years of age with clinical features of fatigue and anemia. The stroke was ischemic in all individuals and the first cerebrovascular event occurred before 6 years of age; 3 patients had recurrence of stroke despite prophylactic blood transfusion therapy and both cerebral hemispheres were affected in 4 patients. Clinical and neurological current features observed were: acute pain crises, sialorrhea, mouth breathing, motor, and neuropsychological impairments resulting from cortical-subcortical structure lesions.
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dc.relationArquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
dc.titleStroke In Patients With Sickle Cell Disease: Clinical And Neurological Aspects
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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