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Electrical Activity Of The Anterior Temporal And Masseter Muscles In Mouth And Nasal Breathing Children [atividade Eletromiográfica Dos Músculos Temporal Anterior E Masseter Em Crianças Respiradoras Bucais E Em Respiradoras Nasais]
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Brazilian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology. , v. 74, n. 4, p. 588 - 595, 2008.
Ferla A.
Da Silva A.M.T.
Correa E.C.R.
Mouth breathing has been associated with severe impact on the development of the stomatognathic system. Aim: This paper aims to analyze the electromyographical findings and patterns of electrical activity of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles in mouth and nasal breathing children. Materials And Method: The patients were divided into two groups: mouth breathers (n=17) and nasal breathers (n=12). The children underwent bilateral electromyographic examination of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles at maximal intercuspal position and during usual mastication. A Myosystem Br-1 electromyograph with 12 acquisition channels, amplification with total gain of 5938, rate of acquisition of 4000 Hz, and band-pass filter of 20-1000Hz, was used in the examination. The signal was processed in Root Mean Square(RMS), measured in μV, analyzed and expressed as a normalized percentage. The data set was statistically treated with the T-test (Student). Results: The observed level of electrical activity in the mouth breathing (MB) group was lower in all analyzed muscles, with statistical significance found only in the left temporal muscle; during mastication, mouth breathers also presented increased electrical activity on the right side and on the temporal muscle. Conclusion: Mouth breathing impacts the electrical activity of the muscles studied at maximal intercuspal position and during usual mastication. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved. 74 4 588 595 Aragão, W., Aragão's function regulator, the stomatognathic system and postural changes in children (1991) J Clin Pediatr Dent, 15, pp. 226-231 Krakauer, L.H., Guilherme, A., Relação entre respiraç ão bucal e alterações posturais em crianças: Uma análise descritiva. (1998) Rev Soc Bras Fonoaudiol, 2, pp. 18-26 Gomes, R.C.G., Relações entre postura corporal e sistema estomatognático. 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