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Residential Energy Demand In Brazil By Income Classes Issues For The Energy Sector
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Energy Policy. , v. 17, n. 3, p. 254 - 263, 1989.
De Martino Jannuzzi G.
Due to the lack of reliable statistical information, the majority of analyses concerning the structure of developing countries energy market of developing countries do not disaggregate the demand by income classes. This component offers important strategies for energy planning in these countries, by making it possible to quantify the portions of society which have not entered the energy market and are more affected by internal energy price rises. This approach also emphasizes that the bulk of energy is consumed by a small fraction of the population, while a significant proportion of households do not benefit from energy services. Issues such as energy conservation, pricing and energy distribution, and the impact of technological changes must be dealt with differently in developing countries, including the characteristics of the structure of their energy markets according to income classes. © 1989. 17 3 254 263 Nearly 68% of the country's petrol corresponds to household use either for private transportation (52%) or for professional purposes (16%), ie petrol use in taxis and delivery vans privately owned. These figures refer to the year 1979 and probably today's values are higher for household use due to the greater use of diesel for commercial transportationMinistério das Minas e Energia, (1986) Balanço Energético Nacional 1985, , Ministério das Minas e Energia, Brasilia, Brazil Goldemberg, Energy issues and policies in Brazil (1982) Annual Review of Energy, 7, pp. 139-174 Graça, Imenani, Gannuzzi, O perfil do consumo pessoal de energia—Brasil 1979 (1983) Anais III Congresso Brasileiro de Energia Boa Nova, (1985) Energia e Classes Sociais no Brasil, , Loyola, São Paulo, Brazil Schipper, Ketoff, Home energy use in nine OECD countries: 1960–1980 (1983) Energy Policy, 11 (2), pp. 131-147 Schipper, Ketoff, Kahane, Explaining residential energy use by international bottom-up comparisons (1985) Annual Review of Energy, 10, pp. 341-405 United Nations Department of International and Economic Affairs, (1981) Statistical Yearbook 1980, , UN, New York, USA Minimum Wage (M.W.) is the official unit of monthly salary, and is re-adjusted periodically. In 1979 1M.W. = US$84.41/monthFundacão Instituto Brasileiro de Geografica e Estatistica (FIBGE), (1983) Tabulaçoes especials do PNAD-79, , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Pinheiro, Sobre a D́ieselização da Frota Brasileira de caminhões (1983) texto para Discussão Grupo de Energia No XVII, , Instituto de Planejamento Econômico e Social Pinheiro, Sobre a D́ieselização da Frota Brasileira de caminhões (1983) texto para Discussão Grupo de Energia No XVII, , Instituto de Planejamento Econômico e Social Januzzi, O consumo de gasolina e álcool automotivo no Brasil: 1960–1985 (1986) Ciência e Cultura, 38 (11), pp. 1789-1796. , (São Paulo, Brazil) De M. Jannuzzi, Consumption of energy in low income urban households (1987) Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, New Delhi, 1 (2) Conselho Estadual de Energia (CESP/CPFL/Eletropaulo/COMGAS), (1985) Consumos Residenciais de Energia — São Paulo, , Conselho Estadual de Energia, São Paulo, Brazil Care should be taken with international comparisons, because more details are needed about appliance energy efficiency, their intensity of use and household characteristics. Some evidence on country differences indicate that the average number of people per dwelling in Brazil (4.3 in 1980) is about twice the value for France and 40% more than the value for Italy. Also, ownership levels for main appliances (refrigerators and TVs) are already saturated, which is not the case in Brazil see Schipper et al, op cit, Ref 6Conseho, Consumption of energy in low income urban households (1987) Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, New Delhi, 1 (2) Conselho Estadual de Energia (CESP/CPF/Electropaulo/COMGAS), (1986) Consumos Residenciais de Energia e Refrigeracão — Rio Claro, , Conselho Estadual de Energia, São Paulo, Brazil Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz, (1986) Levantamento do Perfil de Consumo Residencial de Energia: Favelas de Campinas, , Companhia Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil Conselho Estadual de Energia, (1985) Consumos Residenciais de Energia — São Paulo, , Conselho Estadual de Energia, São Paulo, Brazil Conselho Estadual de Energia (CESP/CPFL/Electropaulo/COMGAS), (1986) Consumos Residenciais de Energia e Refrigeracão — Rio Claro, , Conselho Estadual de Energia, São Paulo, Brazil Four a fuller account in English of the impacts of alcohol production and demand in the country's energy context see J.L. Araújo and A. Ghirardi, ‘Substitution of petroleum products in Brazil’, and J. Surrey, ‘Petroleum development in Brazil’, both in Energy Policy, Vol 15, No 1, February 1987, pp 22–39Total petrol fleet was 8 248 620 (except motorcycles) in 1985 (GEIPOT — Ministry of Transports)G. De M. Jannuzzi and S.M. Guerra, ‘Os efeitos do Programa Nacional do Alcool na redução das disparidades individuais e regionais de renda’, Rev Ciencia e Cul- tura, Vol 39, No 5–6, pp 526–531 (Sāo Paulo, Brazil)Araújo, Ghirardi, Substitution of petroleum products in Brazil (1987) Energy Policy, 15 (1), pp. 22-39