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Grain Size Effect On The Structural Parameters Of The Stress Induced Ehcp - Martensite In Iron-based Shape Memory Alloy
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Materials Research. , v. 11, n. 1, p. 63 - 67, 2008.
Nascimento F.C.
Mei P.R.
Cardoso L.P.
Otubo J.
The aim of this work was to study the effect of austenitic grain size (GS) reduction on the structural parameters of the εhcp -martensite in stainless shape memory alloy (SMA). Rietveld refinement data showed an expansion in c-axis and a reduction in a and b-axis with thermo-mechanical cycles for all samples analyzed. Samples with 75 ≤ GS (μ) ≤ 129 were analyzed. It was also observed an increase of the unit cell volume in this phase with GS reduction. 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