dc.creatorSoares de Alencar Mota C.
dc.creatorRibeiro C.
dc.creatorde Araujo G.G.
dc.creatorde Araujo M.B.
dc.creatorde Barros Manchado-Gobatto F.
dc.creatorVoltarelli F.A.
dc.creatorde Oliveira C.A.M.
dc.creatorLuciano E.
dc.creatorde Mello M.A.R.
dc.identifierBmc Endocrine Disorders. , v. 8, n. , p. - , 2008.
dc.descriptionBackground: Ninety percent of cases of diabetes are of the slowly evolving non-insulin-dependent type, or Type 2 diabetes. Lack of exercise is regarded as one of the main causes of this disorder. In this study we analyzed the effects of physical exercise on glucose homeostasis in adult rats with type 2 diabetes induced by a neonatal injection of alloxan. Methods: Female Wistar rats aged 6 days were injected with either 250 mg/ kg of body weight of alloxan or citrate buffer 0.01 M (controls). After weaning, half of the animals in each group were subjected to physical training adjusted to meet the aerobic-anaerobic metabolic transition by swimming 1 h/day for 5 days a week with weight overloads. The necessary overload used was set and periodically readjusted for each rat through effort tests based on the maximal lactate steady state procedure. When aged 28, 60, 90, and 120 days, the rats underwent glucose tolerance tests (GTT) and their peripheral insulin sensitivity was evaluated using the HOMA index. Results: The area under the serum glucose curve obtained through GTT was always higher in alloxan-treated animals than in controls. A decrease in this area was observed in trained alloxan-treated rats at 90 and 120 days old compared with non-trained animals. At 90 days old the trained controls showed lower HOMA indices than the non-trained controls. Conclusion: Neonatal administration of alloxan induced a persistent glucose intolerance in all injected rats, which was successfully counteracted by physical training in the aerobic/anaerobic metabolic transition. © 2008 Mota et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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dc.relationBMC Endocrine Disorders
dc.titleExercise Training In The Aerobic/anaerobic Metabolic Transition Prevents Glucose Intolerance In Alloxan-treated Rats
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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