dc.creatorDa-Col J.A.
dc.identifierRevista Virtual De Quimica. Secretaria Regional Do Rio De Janeiro Da Sociedade Brasileira De Quimica, v. 6, n. 4, p. 989 - 1009, 2014.
dc.descriptionIndustrial processes require materials with controlled properties, such as metals and alloys, which are obtained from a combination of metals and other species. The steel production in Brazil in 2013, e.g., was over 34 million tons. This importance reflects in standardized methods of analysis, such as ABNT and ASTM. Some of these methods are classical methods (gravimetric and volumetric) or instrumental and their choice depend on the analyte, the amount of sample, other interferences and cost. This text is a brief overview of recommended methods and those who bring innovations to metal analysis.
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dc.publisherSecretaria Regional do Rio de Janeiro da Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica
dc.relationRevista Virtual de Quimica
dc.titleA Brief Overview Of Metal Analysis In Alloys And Related Matrices: Some Classical Methods And Modern Spectroscopic Methods [uma Breve Visão Sobre A Determinação De Metais Em Ligas Metálicas E Matrizes Semelhantes: Alguns Métodos Clássicos E Espectroscópicos Modernos]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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