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Baudelaire's Ideal By Walter Benjamin [o Ideal De Baudelaire Por Walter Benjamin]
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Trans/form/acao. , v. 31, n. 1, p. 127 - 142, 2008.
Gatti L.F.
This paper examines the interpretation made by Walter Benjamin of Baudelaire's poems determined by the notion of Ideal, which is opposed to the concept of spleen. The Ideal is identified by Benjamin as the effort of remembrance of a full experience, which constitutes an essential element to the understanding of modernity as the impossibility of such kind of experience. At last the explanation of the concepts of beauty and aura is introduced to emphasize the importance of the category of distance to the configuration of this form of experience. 31 1 127 142 BAUDELAIRE, C., (1976) Oeuvres Completes I, , Paris: Gallimard BENJAMIN, W., (1989) Obras Escolhidas I: Magia e Técnica, Arte e Política, , São Paulo: Brasiliense BENJAMIN, W., (1991) Obras Escolhidas III: Charles Baudelaire, um Lírico no Auge do Capitalismo, , São Paulo: Brasiliense BENJAMIN, Walter, Baudelaire, C., Ein Lyriker im Zeitalter des Hochkapitalismus (1999) Gesammelte Schriften, , I-2. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp BENJAMIN, Walter, Passagen-Werk, D., (1999) Gesammelte Schriften V, , Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taísa (2001) Aura e arte em Walter Benjamin, , PALHARES, Dissertação de Mestrado. São Paulo: FFLCH/USP