dc.creatorRodrigues L.K.
dc.creatorPereira L.M.
dc.creatorFerrari C.C.
dc.creatorSarantopoulos C.I.G.L.
dc.creatorHubinger M.D.
dc.identifierCiencia E Tecnologia De Alimentos. , v. 28, n. SUPPL., p. 271 - 278, 2008.
dc.descriptionFresh and osmodehydrated mango slices were packaged in expanded polystyrene trays covered with low density polyethylene films (PEBD) and stored at 5 °C aiming at verifying the effect of osmotic dehydration process and modified atmosphere packaging on the fruit shelf life. Fresh mango slices packaged under atmospheric conditions were used as control. The slices were evaluated periodically with respect to physicochemichal and microbiological characteristics, internal atmosphere composition of the packages, weight reduction, and sensory acceptance. The osmotic dehydration process and the modified atmosphere packaging had a positive influence on the preservation of the sensory characteristics and microbiological quality of the mango slices. Fresh mango slices stored under atmospheric conditions (FR AR) and modified atmosphere packaging (FR MAP) had a shelf life of only 8 and 14 days, respectively, which was mainly limited by its sensory acceptance and microbial spoilage. On the other hand, the mango osmodehydrated slices packaged under modified atmosphere (OD MAP) presented shelf life of 18 days showing good sensory acceptance throughout the storage period.
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dc.relationCiencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos
dc.titleShelf Life Of Mango Slices Stored Under Passive Modified Atmosphere Packaging [vida útil De Fatias De Manga Armazenadas Em Embalagem Com Atmosfera Modificada Passiva]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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