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Otoneurologic Evaluation In Children With School Difficulties: Vestibular Function Investigation
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Brazilian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology. , v. 73, n. 6, p. 803 - 815, 2007.
Franco E.S.
Panhoca I.
According to the literature, child vestibular dysfunctions can considerably affect their ability of communication and school performance. Aim: to study the vestibular function in children with school difficulties and associated symptoms. Case study: Clinical study with transversal cohort. Method: Research subjects were 50 school children between 7 and 12 years old, from a public school of Piracicaba city, during the years 2004 and 2005. The procedure was based on: anamnesis; otorrinolaryngologic evaluation; audiologic evaluation and vestibular evaluation. Results: All children assessed, 62.0% did not have school difficulties and 38.0% had school difficulties. Dizziness was the most common general complaint (36.0%). Migraine was the most common symptom regarding the school environment (50.0%). We found a high rate of normal vestibular condition (74.2%) in children without school difficulties and low normality rate in those with school difficulties (31.6%). All found vestibular alterations, both unilateral and bilateral, had been of peripheral irritative origin, accounting for 68.4% of cases for children with school difficulties and 25.8% for children without school difficulties. Conclusion: Dizziness, nausea, reading and copying difficulties presented a statistically significant relationship between the studied variables. All found vestibular alterations had been of peripheral irritative origin. Data showed a statistically significant relationship among variables. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved. 73 6 803 815 Polity, E., (2003) Dificuldade de Ensinagem: Que história é essa? Fonoaudiologia Atual, pp. 60-68 Undheim, A.M., Dyslexia and psychosocial factors. A follow-up study of young Norwegian adults with a history of dyslexia in childhood (2003) Nord J Psychiatry, 57, pp. 221-226 Mathes, P.G., Denton, C.A., The prevention and identification of reading disability (2002) Semin Pediatr Neurol, 9, pp. 185-191 Schirmer, C.R., Fontoura, D.R., Nunes, M.L., Distúrbios da aquisição da linguagem e da aprendizagem. (2004) J Pediatr, 80, pp. 95-103 Farias, L.S., Toniolo, I.F., Coser, P.L., P300: Avaliação eletrofisiológica da audição em crianças sem e com repetência escolar. (2004) Rev Bras Otorrinolaringol, 70, pp. 194-199 Campos, M.I., Ganança, F.F., Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Prevalência de sinais de disfunção vestibular em crianças com vertigem e/ou outros tipos de tontura. RBM-ORL (1996), 3, pp. 165-170Ganança, M.M., Caovilla, H.H., Labirintopatias na infância (1999) Caldas N, Caldas S, Sih T. Otologia e audiologia em pediatria, pp. 277-286. , São Paulo: Revinter; Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Munhoz, M.S.L., Silva, M.L.G., Ganança, F.F., Frazza, M.M., Vertigem paroxística benigna da infância (2000) Silva MLG, Munhoz MSL, Ganança MM, Caovolla HH. Quadros clínicos otoneurológicos mais comuns, pp. 109-117. , São Paulo: Atheneu; Lavinsky, L., Abelin, C.A., D'Avila, C., Lavinsky, M., Exame otoneurológico na infância (1999) Caldas N, Caldas S, Sih T. Otologia e audiologia em pediatria, pp. 287-295. , São Paulo: Ed. Revinter; Formigoni, L.G., (1998) A avaliação vestibular na criança, pp. 117-126. , Ganança MM. Vertigem tem cura? São Paulo: Lemos; Frank, J., Levinson, H., Dysmetric dyslexia and dyspraxia (1973) J Am Acad Child Psychiatry, 12, pp. 690-701 Quirós JB de. Diagnosis of vestibular disorders in learning disabled. J Learn Desabil 1976;9:50-8Horak, F.G., Shumway-Cook, A., Crowe, T.K., Black, F.O., Vestibular function and motor proficiency of children with impaired hearing, or with learning disability and motor impairment (1988) Dev Med Child Neurol, 30, pp. 64-79 Hoyt, C.S., Visual training and reading (1999) Am Orthopt J, 49, pp. 23-23 Ganança, M.M., (1989) Da vestibulometria em crianças com distúrbio de linguagem, , Tese de Doutorado] São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, EPM; Glorig, A., Davis, H., Age, noise and hearing loss (1961) Ann Otol (St. Louis), 70, pp. 556-574 Mangabeira Albernaz, P., Mangabeira Albernaz, P.L., Mangabeira Albernaz, L.G., Mangabeira, Albernaz Filho, P., (1981) Otorrinolaringologia prática, , 10a Edição. São Paulo: Sarvier; Mangabeira Albernaz, P.L., Ganança, M.M., Caovilla, H.H., Ito, Y.I., Novo, N.F., Juliano, I., Aspectos Clínicos e Terapêuticos das Vertigens (1986) Acta WHO, 5 (SUPL 2), pp. 49-109 Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Munhoz, M.S.L., Silva, M.L.G., (1999) Equilibriometria Clínica, , São Paulo: Atheneu; Ganança, C.F., Souza, J.A.C., Segatin, L.A., Caovilla, H.H., Ganança, M.M., Limites de normalidade dos parâmetros de avaliação a vectonistagmografia digital neurograff Acta AWHO 2000?2, 105 Vieira, S., (2004) Bioestatística: Tópicos avançados, , Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier; Callegari-Jacques, S.M., (2003) Bioestatística: Princípios e aplicações, , Porto Alegre: Artmed;