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Dry Fractionation Of Chicken Fat In Pilot Scale [fracionamento A Seco Da Gordura De Frango Em Escala Piloto]
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Revista Brasileira De Ciencias Farmaceuticas/brazilian Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences. , v. 43, n. 3, p. 421 - 434, 2007.
Ming C.C.
Grimaldi R.
Gioielli L.A.
The world consume of chicken meat was 57.8 million tons in 2006, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimative. The abdominal chicken fat corresponds to approximately 2.5% of the weight of the slaughtered chicken. The objectives of this study were to fractionate the abdominal chicken fat and to evaluate its fractions regarding the physical and chemical properties. Chicken fat was processed by dry fractionation to obtain a solid fraction at ambient temperature. Crystallization and separation were performed using industrial-type procedures. Softening point, consistency, solid fat content, fatty acid and triglyceride compositions, iodine and saponification values, and the thermal behavior of the samples were evaluated. Results showed that chicken fat had 68.7% of unsaturated fatty acids. Among these, monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid, are considered desirable in regard to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The higher softening point of the stearin was due the greatest levels of saturated fatty acids (mainly palmitic and stearic acids). Chicken fat and olein at 10°C were plastic and spreadable. The high olein yield suggests that this fraction can be used as frying oil and in the synthesis of structured lipids. The stearin can be applied as component in the fat manufacturing, in puff-pastry margarines and also in cake and icing shortening. 43 3 421 434 ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DOS EXPORTADORES DE FRANGO Estatísticas: Produção mensal brasileira de aves, histórico do consumo brasileiro de carne de frango, exportaç ões mensais brasileiras de frango, ,, ABEF, Disponivel em:, Acesso em: 22 set. 2006 ABEF. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DOS EXPORTADORES DE FRANGO. Relatório Anual 2005: produção mundial, consumo mundial. Disponível em: 〈〉. Acesso em: 22 set. 2006(1998) Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS, , AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY, 5.ed. 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