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Content Of Organic Polyphosphates And Their Allosteric Effects On Haemoglobins From The Water-snakes Helicops Modestus And Liophis Miliaris
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Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology -- Part A: Physiology. , v. 78, n. 3, p. 587 - 589, 1984.
Ogo S.H.
Matsuura M.S.A.
Focesi Jr. A.
1. 1. The ion-exchange Chromatographie analysis of the red cell nucleotides of two water-snakes with different degrees of adaptation to water showed a ratio ATP/GTP of about 2.3 in the more aquatic species Helicops modestus and of about 0.7 in Liophis miliaris. 2. 2. The haemoglobin oxygen affinity assayed in the presence of ATP, GTP, DPG and IHP in haemolysate from both snakes were determined as a function of pH. The Bohr effect values were always found to be increased in comparison with the stripped haemolysate, becoming about 1.5 times higher in L. miliaris compared with H. modestus by the nucleotide treatment. 3. 3. The Hill coefficient calculated from the slope of the haemoglobin binding curves was consistent with an increase in the protein cooperativity in the presence of the nucleotides assayed. The very low nH values of about 1.2 in absence of the effectors became close to 2.0 in their presence. 4. 4. The data of nucleotide Chromatographie analysis were compared to those found in fishes with bimodal respiration. © 1984. 78 3 587 589 Antonini, Brunori, (1971) Haemoglobin and Myoglobin in their Reaction with Ligands, , North Holland, Amsterdam, Chap. 10 Bartlett, Phosphate compounds in reptilian and avian red blood cells developmental changes (1978) Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 61 A, pp. 191-209 Benesch, Benesch, The effect of organic phosphates from the human erythrocyte on the allosteric properties of haemoglobin (1967) Biochem. biophys. Res. Commun., 26, pp. 162-167 Geoghegan, Poluhowich, The major erythrocyte organic phosphate of the American eel Angilla rostrata (1974) Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 49 B, pp. 281-290 Koloustian, Poluhowich, The role of organic phosphate in modulating the oxygénation behavior of eel hemoglobin (1976) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 53 A, pp. 245-248 Matsuura, Ogo, Focesi, Multiplicity and immunological characterization of the haemoglobin components from Liophys miliaris and Helicops modestus (1984) Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 76 B, pp. 915-919 Monod, Wyman, Changeaux, On the nature of allosteric transitions: a plausible model (1965) J. molec. Biol., 12, pp. 88-118 Ogo, Abe, Focesi, Jr., Oxygen dissociation constant in hemoglobin of Helicops modestus and Liophys miliaris, two water snakes with different morphological adaptations to their aquatic environment (1979) Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 63 A, pp. 285-289 Rapoport, Guest, Distribution of acid-soluble phosphorus in the blood cells of various vertebrates (1941) J. biol. Chem., 138, pp. 269-282 Trader, Frieden, Dimerization and other chemical changes in amphibian hemoglobin during meth-amorphosis (1966) J. biol. Chem., 241, pp. 357-366 Weber, Lykkeboe, Johansen, Biochemical aspects of the adaptation of hemoglobin-oxygen affinity of eels to hypoxia (1975) Life Sci., 17, pp. 1345-1350 Wood, Johansen, Actaptation to hypoxia by increased HbO2 affinity and decreased red cell ATP concentration (1972) Nature, New Biol., 237, pp. 278-279 Wood, Johansen, Organic phosphate metabolism in nucleated red cells: Influence of hypoxia on eel HbO2 affinity (1973) Neth. J. Sea Res., 7, pp. 328-338 Wood, Johansen, Weber, Effects of ambient PO2 on hemoglobin-oxygen affinity and red cell ATP concentrations in a benthic fish, Pleuronectes platessa (1975) Respir. Physiol., 25, pp. 259-267