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Articulate Torque And Electromyographic Activity Of Biceps Femoris And Semitendinosus Muscles During Isokinetic Knee Flexion Movements In Soccer Athletes [torque Articular E Atividade Eletromiográfica Dos Músculos Bíceps Femoral E Semitendíneo Durante Movimentos Isocinéticos De Flexão Do Joelho Em Atletas De Futebol]
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Revista Brasileira De Cineantropometria E Desempenho Humano. , v. 9, n. 3, p. 262 - 270, 2007.
Rodrigues C.E.B.
de Moraes A.C.
Okano A.H.
Fontes E.B.
Altimari L.R.
The objective of the present study was to analyze the articulate torque (TO) and the electromyographic activity (EMG) of soccer athlete's long head Biceps Femoris (BF) and Semitendinosus (ST) muscles during isokinetic knee flexion movements (concentric-CON and eccentric-ECC actions) at differing velocities, carried out in the ventral decubitus position. Fourteen soccer players aged 19 and 20 years old (71.2 ± 6.5 kg, 176.6 ± 6.4 cm) were enrolled from the Associação Atlética Ponte Preta under- 20 team. They followed a protocol specifying 5 repetitions of flexion (CON and ECC action) of the knee at three velocities (60, 180 and 300°/s) at random. The recovery interval between series adopted was 3 minutes. EMG Activity was recorded using surface electrodes and data were expressed in terms of root mean squares (RMS). Statistical analysis employed analysis of variance (Friedman test) for repeated measures followed by the Wilcoxon test when necessary, with the level of significance set at P<0.05. The highest TO figures were observed at 60°/s velocity in the CON phase. There was no significant variation in TO between different velocities in the ECC contraction. Moreover, the ECC phase had higher TO values, irrespective of velocity or repetitions. Some of the repetitions of the CON phase at 60°/s exhibited significant difference between the BF and ST muscles. However, in general, the RMS values were not significantly modified by variations in velocity or type of contraction in the BF and ST muscles. 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