dc.creatorFischer J.
dc.creatorTsapatsaris N.
dc.creatorde Paula E.
dc.creatorBordallo H.N.
dc.identifierEuropean Physical Journal: Special Topics. Springer Verlag, v. 223, n. 9, p. 1831 - 1847, 2014.
dc.descriptionWhy in a barren and hot desert, clays can contain a significant fraction of water? Why does concrete crack? How can we demonstrate that complexation of a drug does not alter its conformation in a way that affects its functionality? In this paper we present results on various studies using Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering aimed at clarifying these questions. To allow for a better understanding of neutron scattering, a brief introduction to the basics of its theory is presented. Following the theoretical part, experimental results dealing with the effects of confinement on the water dynamics caused by the interfaces in clays and the nano- and micro-pores of concrete are reviewed in detail. At the end, recent Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering investigations on the complexation of the local anesthetics Bupivacaine (BVC.HCl, C18H28N20.HCl.H2O) and Ropivacaine (RVC.HCl, C17H26N20.HCl.H2O) into the cyclic β-cyclodextrin oligosaccharide are presented. To conclude, the perspectives that the European Spallation Source brings to this subject are discussed.
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dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.relationEuropean Physical Journal: Special Topics
dc.titleLooking At Hydrogen Motions In Confinement: The Uniqueness Of Quasi-elastic Neutron Scattering
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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