dc.creatorFernandes J.F.
dc.creatorIyer S.S.
dc.creatorImakuma K.
dc.creatorChoudhuri A.
dc.identifierPrecambrian Research. , v. 36, n. 1, p. 65 - 79, 1987.
dc.descriptionThe trace element composition of high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Guaxupé Massif is investigated. The large ion lithophile element composition is compared in both the granulite facies rocks and the associated amphibolite facies gneisses. The K, Rb, Th contents in the granulite facies rocks from other parts of Brazil show that the depletion of these elements is variable. The covariance of KRb ratios with K suggest the importance of mineralogical control, protolith composition, nature of fluid etc. The distribution of U and Th appears to indicate the protolith composition of the rock types. © 1987.
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dc.relationPrecambrian Research
dc.titleGeochemical Studies In The Proterozoic Metamorphic Terrane Of The Guaxupé Massif, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A Discussion On Large Ion Lithophile Element Fractionation During High-grade Metamorphism
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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