dc.creatorOrth U.R.
dc.creatorDe Marchi R.
dc.identifierJournal Of Marketing Theory And Practice. , v. 15, n. 3, p. 219 - 233, 2007.
dc.descriptionThis research examines the interaction between advertising claims and personal tasting experience shaping brand beliefs and subsequent purchase intentions. Product schema is included as a moderating variable of these effects. Branding, advertising-trial interaction, and schema congruity literature are extended by focusing on (1) the uniformity of functional, symbolic, and experiential brand beliefs in effecting evoked beliefs and purchase intentions; (2) differential effects of product schema on these effects; and (3) the endurance of ad-evoked beliefs when additional (experience) information becomes available. Employing a consumer panel, two studies contribute to a deeper understanding of differences and similarities in functional, symbolic, and experiential beliefs. In addition, our understanding of potentially synergistic effects of brand beliefs and experiential attributes is advanced by revealing how brand beliefs can be reinforced (or weakened) through product experiential attributes. © 2007 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved.
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dc.relationJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice
dc.titleUnderstanding The Relationships Between Functional, Symbolic, And Rxperiential Brand Beliefs, Product Experiential Attributes, And Product Schema: Advertising-trial Interactions Revisited
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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